Where Can You Get the Best Quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

Extra virgin olive oil has been in use since ancient times. From food to medicine, perfume, and various potions, it has been in demand and a vital commodity. As centuries progress and societies move in time, this extract's benefits increase, making it an even more popular commodity even in present times.

But as a food ingredient that extra virgin olive oil has become famous worldwide. Specifically, it is an everyday staple in Mediterranean cuisine due to its luscious flavor and medicinal benefits. It improves metabolism, good for the heart and skin, is a good anti-inflammatory, and contains antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause cancer.

Vital Nutrients of Best Quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Polyphenols and tocopherols are two vital nutrients that give olive oils their distinct health benefits. It is essential, therefore, that those nutrients be preserved in the production process. Olive oils are produced meticulously, and a simple deviation or mistake in its preparation or processing could lead to significant loss of the said nutrients in the extract.

You must process it with care. Fortunately, the extra virgin olive oils we sell are extracted using the cold-pressed method, processing around 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The pressing method ensures that vital nutrients are retained in the extract and remain in great concentration in the olive oils.

It ensures the potency of the extract. It retains its luscious flavor even as it remains effective, affording those who consume the extract tremendous health benefits. Processing then could prove vital. It could spell the difference between ours, a truly authentic extra virgin olive oil, from those who are pretenders, probably tasting the same but lacking the nutrients needed.

But this could not be the only difference. Our best extra virgin olive oils are of the best quality because they come from this Mediterranean region known for producing the best, top variety. We get all the extra virgin olive oils from farms in this area to ensure that you will get only the best quality.

Only those produced by the best could be deemed authentic. Olive oils abound, yes, but you can get easily shortchanged if you do not get the maximum benefit the extract yields to those who consume it.  Getting it from reliable suppliers who get it to the best is a sure way to avoid it.

So, it would be best if you get your 100% extra virgin olive oil from us. They are meticulously processed, and they come from the region that produces the best olive trees. 

The Best 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil in Town

Oil extracts have been around for more than millennia. People believe that they could provide remedies to various sicknesses and ailments. They could soothe the body and the spirit and give tremendous comfort to body and mind, relaxing the physical and giving peace of mind. No wonder they have been considered prime commodities since time immemorial.

And of all the oil extracts the virgin olive oil is probably the best, the most significant. It provides the most benefits compared to others, known to be rarer and more challenging to extract. For all these reasons, people have put more premium on extra virgin olive oil compared to others.

Much as effective as the extra virgin oil extracts for the body and mind and against various ailments, a 100% extra virgin olive oil is even better, more superior. The nutrients and substances which are relevant and beneficial, like polyphenols and tocopherol, which are wasted in the processing, are retained if you have hundred percent of it.

Processing is vital to ensure you extract every nutrient from olive trees to maximize its benefit. Fortunately, our processing of virgin olive oils guarantees that nothing will go to waste. We perfected the method of cold pressing the olive seeds, using around more or less 27 degrees Celsius in processing, making sure everything is preserved and retained.

Preserving nutrients, therefore, in the processing is vital. All the retained nutrients are essential for it ensures that the olive oil will maintain its potency and be genuinely effective. Enough concentration of it in every drop not only ensures effectiveness and potency, but you also save money, for you need not consume that much.

But the best thing about our 100 percent extra virgin olive oil is that it is harvested here in Greece, known as one of the best producers of olive oils worldwide, and indeed, it is way better than those produced in other places.  You can be sure of its best quality, and thus, of its effectiveness.

This product is in demand worldwide, and as such, some are not as effective and could even be counterfeit. Therefore, it is best to order from us, which is one of the better-known distributors of the product worldwide. You can be safe that our products are 100 percent authentic and could only come from the best producers.

Why wait? Order now and have all the benefits afforded by 100% extra virgin olive oil.


5 Main Benefits Of Using The Best Quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I have always heard about how beneficial the best quality extra virgin olive oil is and that’s why most doctors refer to use this particular ingredient in cooking, salad dressing, and even in preparing some other foods.

Olive oil is extracted from the olives using two main methods- hot pressing extraction and cold press extraction. Out of these two, I chose the cold pressed olive oil because due to the absence of heat, all the antioxidants and the nutrients like tocopherols, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and others are retained within the oil itself. That’s why the benefits of using the cold pressed olive oil are unparalleled.

From my own experience, I can tell that every dollar that you will spend for buying the ingredient will be worthy. Just to share my story, I have listed down some of the benefits that I have experienced in real life.

Reduces inflammations in the body

My mother was suffering from arthritis and that’s why the tendons in her knees always remained swollen. Even though she was taking medicines, I didn’t see any change. But since I switched my cooking oil and started using the olive oil, her complains about aching knees have reduced a lot. In fact, now she can walk easily without having to whimper in pain with every step she takes.

Helps in lowering the cholesterol levels

My father had a heart surgery and doctor suggested us to give him low cholesterol foods. But most of the vegetable oils used in cooking have high fat which increases the LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. I knew I couldn’t use the usual cooking oils which is why I bought the best extra virgin olive oil. After a few months when I did a routine check, his cholesterol levels were within normal range.

Is a great ingredient for weight loss

Unlike the normal cooking oils, olive oil helps in losing more weight at a faster rate by increasing the metabolic rate. I was able to lose 10 pounds in five days when I started an oil-free diet and used the extra virgin cold pressed olive oil mainly as the cooking medium.

Boosts the growth of healthy hair

With the help of the best quality extra virgin olive oil, I was able to have a healthy hair. The hair fall rate reduced a lot and I could feel my hair strands becoming softer and smoother. In fact, I used a hair pack using the olive oil and after washing the scalp, there was no trace of dandruff.

Moisturizes the skin and keeps it plump

I suffer from dry and scaly skin during winters. Cracks develop on my face, hands, and even on my legs. I use normal body oil to keep my skin hydrated but the same can’t be used on face. That’s why I used face packs with olive oil in it. After about three to five usage, I could feel the cracks going away and my skin becoming supple and soft.


Thanks to the best extra virgin olive oil, I was able to improve the health of my family and myself. Since I chose the cold pressed oil, the effectiveness was improved due to the high nutrient content of the oil.

Cooking Secrets With Extra Virgin And Cold Pressed Olive Oil

Several kinds of oils are used in cooking and preparing different dishes like salads, mayonnaise, butter, and so on. Since I love cooking and experimenting, I have used different oils like coconut oil, mustard oil, soybean oil and others. However, the best results that I got were from extra virgin olive oil cold pressed.

According to me, olive oil is a versatile cooking ingredient that can be used in different ways. Moreover, I can use it in any quantity without fearing about high cholesterol level, weight gain, hair fall, and so on.

In this article, I will share some of my cooking secrets where I make use of olive oil in several ways. Before starting, just a little additional information that I would like to share is that the olive oil first press that I use has the highest nutrient content due to less exposure to heat.

Dressing Salads

Whenever I have to make salads, I always add olive oil, no matter what kind of salad I’m making. For example, on normal days, I make a green chickpea salad with kale, spinach, mint, dill, chickpeas, white onion, tomatoes, bell papers, and broccoli along with chickpea. For dressing, I use normal olive oil with a little garlic, freshly ground peppers, and salt.

For special salads like Caesar salad, Arugula salad, Italian salad, and Caprese salad, I use a dash of olive oil just to keep everything moisturized and fresh in addition with mayo, pepper, dried herbs, mustard, garlic powder, and cheese.

Baked Foods

Be it for baking the croissants or spaghetti, I always rely on olive oil. I don’t usually use egg wash to brush over the pastries, pie crust, and others since most of my family member are vegan. Olive oil can be practically mixed with everything like dried herbs, chopped garlics, sesame seeds, and so on which helps me to bring different taste in the foods.

One another use of extra virgin olive oil cold pressed is in making breads, especially the Focaccia bread which I love the most. Brushing the dough surface with olive oil and adding dried herbs and pepper enhance the taste of the bread in the best way.

Cooking Oil

Be it for making a vegetable sauté or for frying anything, I make sure to use olive oil in addition to skimmed butter. Due to the addition of the olive oil, I don’t have to too much of butter which helps me in maintaining my body weight and cholesterol levels.

Usually, I use the olive oil for making sauces, mayonnaise, pan grilling meat and fish fillets, and so on. The ingredient enhances the taste and makes the food really delicious.


With the help of the cold pressed olive oil, I have been able to keep my health in check and also make sure that the taste of the dishes isn’t compromised. That’s why I bought the best olive oil first press made from hand-picked olives.

What Is The Best 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil In The Market?

Where Can You Find The Best 100% Extra Virgin Olive Oil?

Extra virgin olive oil is one of the most sought-after oil extracts. It is because of the purported benefits one could derive by consuming it or applying it to the body. It is said to cure our bodies of some ailments, calm and soothe tense nerves, and is best for digestion. Some scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of extra virgin olive oil, hence, its popularity.

The extracts, however, need to be pure and 100 % to be truly effective. Think of alcohol or any substance. When diluted to a certain extent, it is not as effective. Even the taste will be different. It is the same thing with extra virgin olive oil. It must be s hundred percent as much as possible for optimum results when used.

Processing is all-important when extracting extra virgin olive oil. The temperature must be just right so for the extraction process to be successful. It needs to be processed at around 25 degrees Celsius. It ensures that the relevant nutrients, like polyphenols and tocopherols, are maintained and not wasted.

The timing itself before the extracting process of olive seeds is all-important. Olive seeds must undergo extraction a few hours upon harvesting. They need to be fresh, with all the nutrients intact and preserved. It ensures the extract's potency, making it more effective in healing and curing specific maladies and soothing our bodies.

The hundred percent extra virgin olive oil contains antioxidants that are very effective in preventing cancer. The substance contains, among others, monounsaturated fats, best for the heart, saturated fat, vitamin E, which is good for the skin; and vitamin K, also better known as potassium, which is good for metabolism, muscles, and nerves.

The extra virgin olive oil is best against inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, managing blood pressure, and other degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. You can take two tablespoons of it daily, enough to meet both the dietary requirements and be effective in preventing diseases.

The 100% extra virgin olive oil is a popular ingredient in most Mediterranean cuisines. Especially now that low-quality substances are being sold in the market, some are even counterfeit. Therefore, you must buy from producers proven to deliver the best, 100% extra virgin olive oil in the market.

Our product comes from Greece, the best producer of 100 percent virgin olive oil worldwide. We have the best olive seeds and the best methodology in the extraction process. You can be sure that our 100% extra virgin olive oil is of top quality.


Aenean Leo Ligula

Nullam Nulla Eros

Ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed lectus. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Nunc nec neque.


Commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.

Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Donec sed odio dui. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.

Vivamus Quis Mi

Quisque libero metus, condimentum nec, tempor a, commodo mollis, magna. Vestibulum ullamcorper mauris at ligula.
— Maecenas Malesuada

Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia.

Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Cras id dui. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum.

Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed lectus. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Nunc nec neque. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Curabitur ligula sapien, tincidunt non, euismod vitae, posuere imperdiet, leo. Maecenas malesuada. Praesent congue erat at massa. Sed cursus turpis vitae tortor.

Etiam ut Purus Mattis Mauris

View from the Bow

​Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies.

Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis.